Pediatric Bladder Control Problems: Causes, Treatments, & More

Pediatric Bladder Control Problems: Causes, Treatments, & More


Your child is making the bed each night, fails to wake up and you are complaining about the mess it makes. Worry about the bigger problem and not what appears to your open eye. The kidney of your child can produce excess urine overnight, which will eventually lead to a bladder that overfills. This excess and uncontrollable urine of your child is because of the inadequate presence of 'antidiuretic hormone (ADH)’, which is a natural substance. These issues require the attention of a pediatric urologist in Siliguri.

Losing urine without being able to control is the primary sign of a bladder control issue. Your child and its urine-controlling problems should not raise your mess of washing clothes again and again, rather go for an immediate check-up with a paediatrician.

Distinct idea aboutpediatric bladder control problems


1.     Family history

Bedwetting is often hereditary. Researchers have traced genes, which are interlinked as far as bedwetting is concerned and evident among your children.

2.    Sedated physical development

Comparatively gradual physical development is evident among 5 to 10 years of a child can also be a significant reason for bedwetting. Other instances can be perceived as the causes of bedwetting, which are, a small bladder, still still-developing nervous system, and a deep cycle of sleep

3.    Stress

Stress is another causal factor of bedwetting as children keep on worrying about night-time or daytime wetting only worsens the situation. Other instances that can trigger a child’s stress are family issues, abuse, sleeping alone, coming of any other new baby, and starting or moving to another school.

4.    Sleep disorders

Your child's sleepwalking habits can lead to bedwetting. Do not at all take this issue to be a light one as it needs an immediate check-up with the specialist.


Enuresis can be diagnosed by opting to schedule an appointment with a specialist and avail of paediatric urology problem treatment in Siliguri. Ensure to notify him or her about the following factors:

1.    If any family member had enuresis

2.    How much water your child consumes in the evening

3.    How often your child does urinate during the daytime

4.    If your child has constipation issues

5.    Colour of the urine and if blood spots are visible

6.    If the child is experiencing pain while urinating

7.    Any recent stress encountered by your child


The treatments involve care providence, problem detection by the parents and seeking immediate medical care from the paediatrician. The treating steps, in such condition, are suggested below:

1.    Alterations in fluid intake

2.    Night waking at a fixed time

3.    No caffeine in the diet of your child

4.    Bladder training

5.    Medications

6.    Usage of moisture alarm

7.    Counselling

Tips for managing pediatric bladder control disorders or enuresis

1.    Changing clothes during night-time or daytime wetting

2.    Parents must comprehend that children do outgrow enuresis

3.    The problem in your child cannot be controlled without asking for any help.

4.    Do not blame or scold your child

5.    Ensure your child is not bullied or teased for it by its friends or family

These are some of the significant steps that are supposed to be concentrated and comprehended by the parents so that bladder control problems do not worsen at all.

Your town has the best paediatric urologist in Siliguri but just some amount of research and assessment will aid you to attain the most basic and effective medical treatment as fast as possible altogether. Do not blame your child for bedwetting; look out at the grave and wider scenario, which needs to be rectified for the child to not get an impaired future life ahead.

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