Best Surgery and Paediatrics specialist in Siliguri

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Paediatric Surgeon?

A Paediatric surgeon is a specialized doctor who deals with newborn babies. However they also possess the skills and qualifications to treat a child of late adolescence. A paediatric surgeon plays a very vital role in taking an extensive care of the new born. They practice surgical procedures with a certain kind of expertise. Paediatric Surgeons perform various treatments including:

  • Surgery of abnormalities of the groin in childhood and adolescence which include undescended testes, hernias, hydroceles and Varicoceles.
  • Endoscopic procedures on children.
  • Diagnosis and surgical treatment of tumors in children.
  • Other birth abnormalities.

How is a paediatric surgeon different from adult surgeon?

Since the diagnosis and treatment for every individual varies with age and body metabolism, similarly a paediatric surgeon specializes on the illnesses of young children. A pediatric surgeon only deals with younger children whereas an adult surgeon mostly treats individual above the age of 18 years mainly. An adult surgeon covers a vast range of illnesses that might occur in a grown up’s body while a paediatric surgeon diagnoses and conducts surgical procedures on younger children.

Common Surgical condition in a child.

Some of the most common surgical condition in a child is as follows:
    It is a surgical procedure where the appendix is removed surgical after it gets infected or if it gets painful due to inflammation. This procedure can also be done due to cure appendix ruptures.
    Cancer being one of the most deadly and common disease nowadays, a paediatric surgeon is required to diagnose and treat the disease on young children. Cancer in young children can occur in different organs like liver, pancreas, abdomen etc. The surgeon is required to remove the tumor and treat the disease as and when required.
    This rare disease is often caused due to genetic disorders in the family chain. This disorder causes the intestine and the stomach to fall out of the body and the surgeon is required to perform a surgery to put it in place and seal it right after birth.

What are congenital anomalies affecting the babies?

Congenital anomalies that generally affect newborn babies are caused due to genetic disorders. While this problem is a very common one, one might not exactly know the main cause behind this. Many researches have proven that there are few reasons leading to such a disorder. Some of them include:

  • Improper Prenatal care
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking during pregnancy
  • Genetic disorders in the family history.

However the effects of this particular disease may result into:

  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Fragile X syndrome.
  • Down syndrome.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Heart conditions.

Foetal Anomaly scan -when should it should be done?

Foetal Anomaly scan is basically an ultrasound test to detect abnormalities of the foetus. Most expecting mothers go for it in the first trimester for being secured. However, if there are any such risk factors surrounding the foetus’s health, the doctor repeats the tests on a regular basis in order to take better precautions for both the mother and the child.

What is Paediatric Inguinal Hernia?

It is regarded as the most common surgical childhood problem during which a hernia occurs in the groin area of a child. It is a result of a small sac that arises from the abdominal cavity through the abdominal wall. This hernia may appear and disappear in the groin area of boys and girls which usually appears when the child cries or strains. Inguinal hernia in a child is one of the serious problems that doesn't fade away without the support and treatment by the paediatrician. The surgery for this hernia takes place for about one hour that is proceeded by closing the opening of the hernia sac using various surgical instruments.

What is Undescended Testes?

Undescended Testes in Children is a condition which is commonly seen in baby boys born prematurely. This condition generally occurs when one or both male testes do not pass down into the scrotal sac. It is caused by a reflex that forces testicle to move up and down towards groin. When the paediatric surgeon doesn't feel the testes in a child during examination then the immediate treatment is required to deal with this issue.

What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a birth defect or congenital condition in which the meatus isn't in the top of the penis. During this defect, the opening of the urethra lies on the underside of the penis. Hypospadias isn't a dangerous defect which can harm a child. However, if treatment for it is applied then most of the male can have normal urination and reproduction. Hypospadias occurs when there is the malfunction of the hormones that cause the urethra to develop abnormally.

What is Posterior Urethral Valves?

Posterior Urethral Valves is the problem of the urethra in a male child that blocks the urine flow. It occurs when enough urine cannot pass through the valves to leave the body which creates the problem of reverse flow of urine. This type of situation leads in harming the urethra, bladder and kidneys which needs immediate treatment from a child surgeon as it can prove out to be a very dangerous problem in the future.

What is Vesico-ureteral reflux?

When the urine of infants and young children flows in the wrong way then, this condition is known as Vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR). It is also regarded as one of the main problems that lead to damaging the kidneys as the urine that is presented in a bladder flows back to the ureter and the kidneys. This problem occurs in a child when the flap valve doesn't work in a proper manner. As ureters have one-way valve system and if it doesn't function then that will lead in the backward flowing of the urine.

What is Urinary Tract Infection?

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is the infection in the urinary system caused by the bacteria. It is most commonly found in a girls child as they have shorter urethra through which the bacteria, virus and fungi enters. This infects kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra of a child. The paediatrician uses several antibiotics to deal with UTI. This infection typically occurs when the bacteria enters into the urinary tract through the urethra and multiplies into many in the bladder.

What is Hemangioma?

Hemangioma is a red mark which appears in the body of a child usually on the face, scalp, chest or back. It is the presence of extra blood vessels in the child's skin which doesn't need the compulsory treatment as the red mark fades away over time. However, if the child has a vision, breathing, hearing or any other side effects then the parents should immediately consult with the paediatrician about the health condition of a child.

What is Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia?

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) occurs when there is a defect of the diaphragm muscle. During prenatal development, if that muscle fails to close then, the contents will transfer into the chest which creates a big health problem in a child. CDH makes the part of the chest crowded which can potentially result in breathing difficulties. It can also reduce the flow of the blood to the lungs, increase the chance of asthma, feeding disorders, and high blood pressure.

What is Tracheoesophageal Fistula?

Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) is the abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea leading severe and fatal pulmonary complications. TEF is a birth defect during which the swallow liquid passes through the connection between esophagus and trachea and enters into the lungs of a baby which causes pneumonia. During pregnancy, if the wall is not formed between the connection the chances of Tracheoesophageal Fistula increases.

What is Meningomyelocele?

Meningomyelocele which is most commonly known as open spina bifida is a birth defect during which a spinal canal and the backbone doesn’t close before the baby is born. Meningomyelocele is also known as Neural Tube Defects and it occurs in two types, open and closed. A baby with this problem is born with the exposed spinal cord and it is a very serious issue because the spinal cord is not developed properly at that stage which can also affect the brain of a child.

What is Hydrocephalus?

The condition during which the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds in the fluid containing ventricles of the brain is called Hydrocephalus. This problem can occur at any stage mainly to the child, some are born with this defect and some faces this issue later in childhood. CSF is the main thing that accumulates everything for this problem as it creates pressures on the tissues of the brain attached with the skull. Increase in the size of the head and bulging on the top of the head is the main symptoms of Hydrocephalus.

What is Intestinal Atresia?

It is a complete obstruction in the intestine that is caused by the decrease intestinal perfusion and ischemia of bowel. The children suffering from this problem requires the operation which is proceeded by analyzing the location of the obstruction. It is discovered before the birth of a child and it should be immediately diagnosed because the baby might start to show the symptoms with eating problems and vomiting after 1 or 2 days.

What is Biliary Atresia?

Biliary Atresia is the infant disease of the liver and bile ducts which start to appear after two weeks of the birth of a child. During this disease, the bile ducts outside and inside the liver gets blocked which leads in the dysfunctioning of the liver tissue. The paediatrician treats this disease with a surgery called Kasai which has given many positive results. In this case, the bile between the liver and gallbladder is blocked.